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Postico 1 0 9 – A Modern Postgresql Client

E.20.2. Migration to Version 9.6

Postico provides an easy to use interface, making Postgres more accessible for newcomers and specialists alike. Postico will look familiar to anyone who has used a Mac before. https://software-art.mystrikingly.com/blog/adobe-pdf-viewer-android-download. Just connect to a database and begin working with tables and views. Start with the basics and learn about advanced features of PostgreSQL as you go along. Postico is a modern Postgres client for OSX, built by the same developer who built Postgres.app (mentioned above). It is free, but you can buy a license to unlock additional power features. This is the GUI that I use to manage Postgres because it is built specifically for Mac and has a beautiful, very easy to use (but powerful) UI.

A dump/restore using pg_dumpall, or use of pg_upgrade, is required for those wishing to migrate data from any previous release.

Postico 1 0 9 – A Modern Postgresql Client Documentation

Sidenotes 1 0 2 decimal. Version 9.6 contains a number of changes that may affect compatibility with previous releases. Observe the following incompatibilities: Starcraft card to play.

Postico 1 0 9 – A Modern Postgresql Client Centered

  • Improve the pg_stat_activity view's information about what a process is waiting for (Amit Kapila, Ildus Kurbangaliev)

    Historically a process has only been shown as waiting if it was waiting for a heavyweight lock. Now waits for lightweight locks and buffer pins are also shown in pg_stat_activity. Also, the type of lock being waited for is now visible. These changes replace the waiting column with wait_event_type and wait_event.

  • In to_char(), do not count a minus sign (when needed) as part of the field width for time-related fields (Bruce Momjian)

    For example, to_char('-4 years'::interval, 'YY') now returns -04, rather than -4.

  • Make extract() behave more reasonably with infinite inputs (Vitaly Burovoy)

    Historically the extract() function just returned zero given an infinite timestamp, regardless of the given field name. Make it return infinity or -infinity as appropriate when the requested field is one that is monotonically increasing (e.g, year, epoch), or NULL when it is not (e.g., day, hour). Also, throw the expected error for bad field names.

  • Remove PL/pgSQL's 'feature' that suppressed the innermost line of CONTEXT for messages emitted by RAISE commands (Pavel Stehule)

    This ancient backwards-compatibility hack was agreed to have outlived its usefulness.

  • Fix the default text search parser to allow leading digits in email and host tokens (Artur Zakirov)

    In most cases this will result in few changes in the parsing of text. But if you have data where such addresses occur frequently, it may be worth rebuilding dependent tsvector columns and indexes so that addresses of this form will be found properly by text searches.

  • Extend contrib/unaccent's standard unaccent.rules file to handle all diacritics known to Unicode, and to expand ligatures correctly (Thomas Munro, Léonard Benedetti)

    Facebook app for windows not working. The previous version neglected to convert some less-common letters with diacritic marks. Also, ligatures are now expanded into separate letters. Installations that use this rules file may wish to rebuild tsvector columns and indexes that depend on the result.

  • Remove the long-deprecated CREATEUSER/NOCREATEUSER options from CREATE ROLE and allied commands (Tom Lane) How to play in between.

    CREATEUSER actually meant SUPERUSER, for ancient backwards-compatibility reasons. This has been a constant source of confusion for people who (reasonably) expect it to mean CREATEROLE. It has been deprecated for ten years now, so fix the problem by removing it.

  • Treat role names beginning with pg_ as reserved (Stephen Frost)

    User creation of such role names is now disallowed. This prevents conflicts with built-in roles created by initdb.

  • Change a column name in the information_schema.routines view from result_cast_character_set_name to result_cast_char_set_name (Clément Prévost)

    The SQL:2011 standard specifies the longer name, but that appears to be a mistake, because adjacent column names use the shorter style, as do other information_schema views.

  • psql's -c option no longer implies --no-psqlrc (Pavel Stehule, Catalin Iacob) Deliverance.

    Write --no-psqlrc (or its abbreviation -X) explicitly to obtain the old behavior. Scripts so modified will still work with old versions of psql.

  • Improve pg_restore's -t option to match all types of relations, not only plain tables (Craig Ringer)

  • Change the display format used for NextXID in pg_controldata and related places (Joe Conway, Bruce Momjian)

    Display epoch-and-transaction-ID values in the format number:number. The previous format number/number was confusingly similar to that used for LSNs.

  • Update extension functions to be marked parallel-safe where appropriate (Andreas Karlsson)

    Many of the standard extensions have been updated to allow their functions to be executed within parallel query worker processes. These changes will not take effect in databases pg_upgrade'd from prior versions unless you apply ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE to each such extension (in each database of a cluster).


Postico 1 0 9 – A Modern Postgresql Client Permissions

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Postico 1 0 9 – A Modern Postgresql Client
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