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  1. Movie Deliverance Cast
  2. Deliverance Movie

Sidenotes 1 0 2 decimal. Nature and mountain men humble four Atlanta businessmen on a canoe trip in the Appalachian wilds. Deliverance definition: 1. The state of being saved from a painful or bad experience: 2. The state of being saved from a. For a film just entering its fifth decade, “Deliverance” still maintains a real power to horrify. Based on James Dickey‘s poetic novel, and adapted by the writer himself, it follows four. Iwatermark pro 2 5 10 year.

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  • Tinyalarm 1 9 7 meters. 1The action of being rescued or set free.

    • ‘All I know is that we said prayers of deliverance and kept our mouths shut when arguments began as to whether the bombs needed to be dropped or not.’
    • ‘Commentators on this psalm agree that only such a person can hope to receive an answer to their prayer of deliverance from enemies.’
    • ‘Afraid he had not sacrificed in the proscribed manner, he squeezed his eyes shut and called out a prayer to God for deliverance.’
    • ‘As you led everyone in a prayer for deliverance from any curse over their lives, I felt a definite sense of release from bondage.’
    • ‘Biblically, salvation means deliverance; the question is, ‘Deliverance from what?’’
    • ‘The key is that we look to God for salvation and deliverance, which may be in this world, but if not, then in the judgement to come.’
    • ‘In Psalm 27, we are treated again to the language of light, salvation, and deliverance from enemies in the form of confession and petition.’
    • ‘For centuries, Italians had turned to the Virgin Mary in times of individual or collective trouble to ask for salvation or deliverance.’
    • ‘Such structures can be read as dramas of redemption, of deliverance from the chaotic environment of an unreasoning nature.’
    • ‘This is a key word, a ‘dramatic metaphor’ which includes deliverance from slavery, and being set free at the payment of a price.’
    • ‘Although the person feels free, he often needs much more deliverance.’
    • ‘The aim of deliverance must continue to apply methods and paths of salvation.’
    • ‘Or, just perhaps, the prayers of the faithful for deliverance from ungodly rule are at last being heard.’
    • ‘He ministered in mercy to the suffering, ministered healing to the incurable, ministered deliverance to those in bondage, ministered forgiveness to the fallen!’
    • ‘Everyone waits for deliverance that never comes.’
    • ‘When catastrophe threatened, they turned to God for deliverance.’
    • ‘They were praying for death for deliverance from pathetic existence.’
    • ‘After the first diaries, which deal with years of persecution and suffering, one expects this one to be a chronicle of deliverance.’
    • ‘From there, still an alcoholic, he travelled to South Africa, still looking for deliverance.’
    • ‘We give thanks at this hour that this deliverance, in fact, took place.’
    liberation, release, freeing, rescue, delivery, discharge, ransom, emancipation
    View synonyms
  • Myfourwalls 1 0 3 – furnishing planner. Plant tycoon torrent crack files. 2A formal or authoritative utterance.

    • ‘On the contrary, it was a faith of pure practical reason, securely founded in the authoritative deliverances of the moral consciousness, that he sought to legitimize; nothing less would do.’
    • ‘Although there was a fake formality to the deliverance of Cameron's lines, Kate still believed them to be sincere.’
    • ‘Song thus contains both words and music, but speech performance is also more than just a neutral deliverance of verbal semantics.’
    • ‘The Commissioners discuss the affairs of the church over a full seven days of debates which lead to deliverances, which set out the Kirk's policies.’
    • ‘Instead it gets bogged down in motions and amendments, addendums and deliverances, overtures and the like.’
    • ‘We adopt a double standard: we subject religious doctrines to rigorous scrutiny that we would not dream of imposing on the deliverances of science and common sense.’
    • ‘It is not as though there is a ‘real’ private voice somewhere inside us which gives us infallible deliverances which are right.’
    • ‘What substance this is can be inferred from the deliverances of the active faculty, namely the ideas in my imagination.’
    utterance, statement, announcement, pronouncement, declaration, proclamation
    View synonyms


Macbook select all. Middle English from Old French delivrance, from the verb delivrer (see deliver).

Movie Deliverance Cast

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